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Rivian Electric Trucks and SUV’s

When Rivian was first announced, I didn’t know if they were going to survive or end up like Fiskar, Faraday, Alta, and Canoo. However, they seem to be selling well, and Ford has invested $500-Million in Rivian. Also, Amazon has ordered 100,000 delivery vans, so…lets take a look.


Rivian R1S, the “big” SUV

At this point, I believe Rivian will survive and even become quite successful. The products from Tesla have a forward-thinking and modern look, but the Rivian models appeal to a customer who wants an EV that is slightly more conventional-looking. The company was formed in Florida around 2009, just after the national economic real-estate crash of 2008.

They started as “Mainstream Motors” as an offshoot of the successful Mainstream Engineering Corp. They then changed to “Avera Motors”, but it was soon deemed to be too similar to the Hyundai Azera and Aptera Motors, and their first product proposal was for a hybrid sports car, the R1. They finally landed on the “Rivian” brand in 2011.

BYD, they’re huge, and they’re coming soon

There’s a lot of discussion about tariffs right now to keep out products that would disrupt domestic products, like vehicles from Tesla, Ford, GM, and Dodge. A tariff is a tax that makes imported products more expensive. There are several companies in China that are making cheap EV’s, but make no mistake, any talk about tariffs is because of BYD.

They are selling about 10,000 cars a month around the world, roughly split between electric cars and hybrid gas/electric. Most of our readers are from the USA, and you may not have heard of BYD. They have been leaving the EU and the US for last, due to the added difficulties of meeting the detailed requirements in those regions. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, because it can also mean they have been able to work the bugs out of their designs over the past ten years.

They have begun selling the AWD version of their Tang SUV in Norway, as the first step in their EU expansion. Norway has generous government subsidies for EV purchases due to their oil-fed sovereign wealth fund. What this means is that Norway has very few people, and a LOT of oil and natural gas, so the taxes on their oil industry have created a huge pile of surplus cash that they use to provide benefits to their citizens. It also helps that their cities are very densely packed, so Norwegians typically don’t have to drive far to get around. Also, gas and diesel car engines may have a hard time starting in their sub-zero winters, while EV’s run just fine in the cold.

BYD has also opened up a warehouse and office near Los Angeles (in Pasedena), in preparation for their push into US markets. And its not just cars, BYD is a huge global company that also makes large electric and hybrid vehicles like buses, heavy-transport trucks, trash-trucks, forklifts, and batteries for power storage from solar farms.

Competition is good, but the history of BYD appears to show that they have the full backing of the Chinese government, and the companies that it will be competing with feel that BYD has an unfair advantage, since they don’t actually need to make a profit to survive. For instance, customers in South America, Africa, and China have the option to buy the BYD “Seagull” for roughly $12,000. That’s an eye-popping price for an EV, even if it is pretty small.

26 Chinese EV’s that Tariffs will keep away from US.

The previous tariff on EV’s from China was an added 25% tax to “level the playing field for American-made EV’s”. That tariff was raised to 100% as of May 2024, so I wondered what kind of cars are being made in China, that would be doubled in price by this tariff increase?

I am really amazed at the variety of cars I found from China that I didn’t even know existed. I have just written an article about BYD after I saw on the news that they have recently passed Tesla as the largest manufacturer of EV’s on Earth (to see that article, click here). I just wanted to see which BYD’s people were buying, and if they might be coming to the US soon. I was very surprised at the variety of cars that BYD makes.

During my search to see all the different models that BYD makes, I kept coming across other interesting EV’s from car companies that I had never even heard of. The world population is roughly 8.1-Billion, and the population of China is about 1.4-Billion, so…more than 1 out of 8 people in the world are Chinese. The last four decades have seen China expanding and diversifying their manufacturing base. Not only did millions of Chinese employees want to buy new EV’s, but China also wants to export EV’s to the entire world.

Tesla and Rivian do not currently make a small EV, and the most affordable small American EV is the Chevy Bolt. The Tesla Model-3 and the Rivian R3 are not “large”, but they are larger than the Bolt, and both are significantly more expensive. The BYD “Seagull” 5-door hatchback EV has been mentioned on the internet as a small EV that US manufacturers fear. The Base model is supposedly $12,000, but once you add shipping plus the 100% $12,000 tariff, you arrive at $26,000 plus state and federal sales taxes.

And it doesn’t end there. Ever since the Covid economy, car sales have been down, so US car dealers have only been ordering the more profitable “fully loaded” models, which could tack on another $10,000 of markup to the Seagulls price ($36,000?). Some EV’s have qualified for a $7,500 tax incentive, but that might only apply to US-made EV’s.

CATL Brings Big Battery Breakthroughs in 2024

CATL is now the biggest EV battery producer in the world. A little over 15 years ago, a lot of deep pockets decided to spend a ton of money on battery improvements, and we are now seeing the results of those investments.

In 2007, the EV industry got a boost when a man named Wan Gang became China’s minister of science and technology. Wan had been a big fan of EVs, and then he drove Tesla’s first EV Roadster as soon as it came out in 2008. He was a key influence in China making the national decision to go all-in on electric vehicles.

Wan Gang, China’s minister of Science and Technology

From 2009 to 2020, the Chinese government pumped $29-Billion into every Chinese company that had the ability to improve batteries and make EV’s. That equals $100-million dollars 290 times. And they also offered subsidies for EV purchases, and ordered the electrification of the all their nations buses and taxi’s to jump-start the process.

When Tesla wanted to sell EV’s in China, the government would only allow that if they used a Chinese-made battery. So Tesla contracted with CATL (Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd) to build a factory there. Then, in 2020, US subsidies were changed so that EV’s sold here had to have at least 50% of the battery made in the US. So…CATL built a battery plant in Marshall, Michigan, in partnership with Ford.

Panasonic (Japan), LG Chem (S. Korea), and BYD (China) are all major players when it comes to making EV battery packs, but recently, CATL has become the largest in the world with 34% of all EV batteries sold in 2023.

Silicon Anodes, and why every battery will be using them

Batteries have reached a tipping point this year because silicon anodes are actually being produced and they do two things. They double the range of battery packs, and they allow incredibly fast charging.

First let me say that just about any advance in batteries involves some basic chemistry that was known decades ago. Lithium, Silicon, Sodium, and Sulfur were all identified as fantastic battery materials. However, the problem is always in the details. All of these have been experimented with, and it was just sheer luck that in the 1990’s Lithium-Ion cathodes and graphite anodes turned out the be the first big combination that worked well, and could be scaled-up to mass production at an affordable price.

For instance, even with the chemistry options set aside, we have been promised “Solid State Batteries” for over a decade. They actually exist in labs already, along with very expensive samples working right now on the International Space Station. The problem is in figuring out how to mass-produce large SSB’s, and to do it cheaply.

The majority of research during the early 2000’s has been on improving the positive Cathode, by tweaking the lithium chemistry with “NCM” which is Nickel, Cobalt, and Manganese. Great efforts have gone into reducing the amount of Cobalt used because it is rare, and much of it is mined under horrible conditions in Africa. Back in 2019, we wrote about how NMC532 cathodes (5% Nickel, 3% Manganese, and 2% Cobalt) now look like they would last 20 years of use (to see that article, click here). I noticed in the documents I researched, that this three-additive chemistry group is often called a “Ternary” chemistry, which means a group of three components.

About ten years ago, a massive amount of money started to flow into research on the anodes of batteries, the “negative” electrode. This research is ongoing, but a few years back, silicon had a breakthrough, and now everyone is jumping on it, because the immediate effect is that the batteries are doubling their capacity, and charging times are shockingly fast (with future improvements being likely). The chart above represents thousands of patents that have been filed concerning the materials and processes that would allow silicon anodes to work.

12 electric VTOL’s that are actually flying

I am pretty excited about all the electric VTOL’s that are progressing rapidly. The biggest reason we have been writing about electric aircraft is because they will be the drivers of advanced battery tech. The Tesla car company has produced pure EV’s that have a 300-mile range, so car companies are not pushing very hard to advance batteries. The aircraft industry (on the other hand) is continuing to spend many millions on battery improvements.

Also…electric aircraft are just fantastically cool.

I’m not going to list any electric drones, there are waaay too many of them (like these, click here). Also no electric planes here (like these, click here). The interesting thing about electric VTOL craft (Vertical Take Off and Landing), is that they will take over a large portion of the short-range market that is being served by helicopters. For instance, when a millionaire in Manhattan wants to go to the Albany airport to fly away in their private jet, they normally take a helicopter.

An electric VTOL is MUCH quieter than a helicopter. Plus, since it is electric it has a MUCH longer “Time Before Overhaul” (TBO). If an aircraft is using a fuel-driven engine, it needs to be overhauled and rebuilt to aircraft standards every so often. This is hugely expensive, and it means the money-making air-taxi is out of commission for a while. The motors for electric aircraft can go a very long time before its TBO, plus…a “rebuild” on an electric is pretty much just replacing two shaft bearings.


Stir-Lec, a plug-in hybrid electric car with a Stirling engine from 1968

This 1968 Opel Kadett hybrid-drivetrain prototype was way ahead of it’s time. It’s main issue was that it was using off-the-shelf lead-acid batteries, and there was only enough room for a small pack (The car in the header pic is just a random photo of a stock German Opel Kadett)

As an electric car in 1968, it was slow and had short-range. As far as performance, you could have swapped-in a larger motor and given it more amps. So, what could we do to provide more amps? A modern Lithium battery pack could easily provide an adequate amount of amps for enough acceleration to equal the gasoline version. This prototype used 14 of the common 12V batteries, for a nominal voltage of 168V.

The top-speed was near 55-MPH, which is too low for realistic commuting. If we raised the voltage of the system, it would improve the power (for acceleration) and also the top-speed. Zero motorcycles use a nominal (average) voltage of 103V (roughly 117V when fully charged). Two of the Zero packs could be used in series for 206V nominal. The Zero packs are also known for being able to provide very high amps.

The 1,300 lbs of lead-acid batteries were in the front, right where it would make this prototype handle like a sports car! The super-cool haircuts reveal that these are real engineers, and not professional cigarette advertising models. 16M-520 is now the new password for my bitcoin account…

Adding roughly 40V to the original 168V system would definitely help (about 25%), but the amps from a modern Zero motorcycle pack would make a HUGE difference. You might be asking yourself why a big corporation like General Motors (who owns Opel, from Germany), would put any time and effort into a hybrid where their previous experience with electrics already told them the electric performance was going to be weak when using 1,300 lbs of lead-acid batteries.

[*Stir-Lec was 3100-lb, and the stock gasoline-engine 1968 Opel Kadett was 1780-lb]

The Curious Case of the 600,000 mile Hybrid Electric Taxi.

I’ve been waiting for something like this to happen, because…I knew something like this was eventually going to happen. It’s a second-gen 2007 Toyota Prius, and it clocked a verified ONE MILLION kilometers on the original battery pack and engine (621,000+ miles).

First, I’m going to list some info about what a Prius is, and then I’ll list a few hybrids that made it to very high miles, so we can see if there’s any pattern that we can learn from.


Toyota Prius, Gen-1 (1997-2003)

In 1995, Toyota premiered their prototype hybrid Prius at the Tokyo motor show, and the very strong response encouraged them to go into full production. This was a full eight years before Tesla showed that a pure electric EV could perform well and still have decent range, in 2003.

2000km on the Luna X-1 singletrack only, was it worth it?

Looking down at the odometer on my Luna X-1 I realized that I had just turned over 2000km on the clock. For normal ebikes 2000km is not much of a milestone, but considering how I only ride my X-1 on trails and thrash on it pretty hard every day I thought I would do an article on how it has held up and the good, the bad and the ugly about this bike. There is a lot of components I have replaced due to failures or just because I wanted to, there is nothing that I have done to this bike that I have regretted. I bought the X-1 on June 2019 and paid $3305 for it from Lunacycle. At the time of purchase this was the most money I had ever spent on an ebike by a far margin. The X-1 is no longer sold but has been superseded by the X-2 and the X-2.5 which I have not ridden.

A very well loved and more than slightly abused 4.5 year old Lunacycle X-1 with the Ludicrous controller

My morning routine is always about the same, I wake up and get on my double diaper (chamois shorts) on and head out the door to ride. I go biking before I eat or turn on a computer or do anything else because I know if I don’t get out to ride in the first part of the day, I probably won’t get to ride that day, and the dude cannot abide.

My biggest complaint about the X-1 is the noise that the steel gear makes. It’s a bit loud, and not super stealthy like the BBSHD with the nylon gear. The newest X-2.5 (available here) uses a peek/carbon gear which should be a much quieter. The other issue I have had is there is a large ring bearing in the front faceplate that occasionally makes a lot of noise. It has already failed once and I could not get the bearing pressed out of the faceplate so Luna just sent me a new faceplate with a bearing in it. Every issue I’ve had with this ebike Luna has been absolutely incredible with helping me get parts for it at a very reasonable price. I would give their service department a 10/10 rating.

The metal piece that the rear through axle screws into has stripped threads so if I don’t tighten it down super tight it gets loose on its own. This has never been enough of an issue to try to fix, but the axle is on so tight that I can’t get it loose on the trails without special tools.

The Alia-250, a VTOL from Beta Technologies in Vermont

This is a 6-seat electric aircraft that uses four “stowaway” rotors for initial lift, and one rear-facing propeller for sustained flight. Several years ago they started with a prototype that did not have any of the vertical-lift features, called the CX300. It also used a single rear-facing propeller, which would take off and land on conventional runways.

Over two years, the CX300 has flown 22,000 miles, and has been evaluated by FAA and military test pilots. It has flown 386 miles on a single battery charge. The CX300 is designed for short-haul medical, cargo, and passenger operations at a lower operational cost. Its design is based on an operational niche where the FAA stated that “More than a third of all global flights today are actually less than 500 miles”

Several companies have demonstrated a working “solid state battery” prototype, and not only are SSB’s fire-safe, They allow rapid charging and over a 50% increase in range per volume. Every EV industry will be affected by the improvements that SSB’s provide, but the Aircraft industry will be impacted the most by viable SSB’s.

BT said the cost to fly the CX300 about 150 miles was $17 in electricity, and the conventional turbine plane that flew next to it cost Beta $700 worth of Jet-A fuel.


Edison Motors, Hybrid Electric Trucks from Canada

I like hybrid electrical powertrains, so I was excited to see these being produced. Some of our readers may remember an article I wrote on the history of hybrid cars and in that article I listed quite a few of the newest hybrids that are available to the public (click here to see that article)

Don’t get me wrong, I still do love EV’s, but…by me supporting hybrids, it allows both sides to hate me! But are there any “real” benefits to a hybrid? I’d say yes, and I think the major one is the charging infrastructure. I live in a small town in central Kansas, and if I bought any kind of EV, I’d need to have my own charger in my garage. I don’t know what someone would have to do if they lived in a rental, and it seems as though the entire next generation will have to rent while being unable to afford to buy a house.

That being said, as you cross the country, sometimes the public chargers are full with a waiting line, or they are broken and don’t work, or they are even the wrong type of charger. (To see our article on charging plug standards, click here). With a hybrid drivetrain, there is no range anxiety, because you have an engine on board to drive a generator.

A “parallel hybrid” is like a Toyota Prius that allows a motor OR engine to drive the transmission, but…the Edison trucks have a series-hybrid drivetrain where the engine only drives a generator. Edison uses a large battery pack, which also makes it a “plug in” hybrid, meaning it has the capability to operate as an electric only drivetrain for short ranges, and this is my personal favorite style.

In fact, the series-hybrid drivetrain is well known from cargo-train locomotives all across the world, and also from WWII submarines. I was a crew-member on a nuclear-powered submarine from 1978 till 1981, and even though the reactor simply made steam for a very simple turbine drive, we also had a series-hybrid diesel-electric back-up system, and that Fairbanks-Morse diesel was a part of my job. I’m sure it’s obsolete tech by now, and we used a very large room-sized lead-acid battery, but…none-the-less…my submarine could make it home on the diesel-electric drive if needed.

Votol controllers for hot rod builds

I have to confess that I am no expert when it comes to controllers, and when I find someone who has a lot of experience and is honest about the benefits and drawbacks of any given model of controller, I want to hear what that tech has to say.

There are some very good products out there, but if every manufacturer says that their controller is the best, and never tells you why (or they fail to mention any particular weaknesses that it may have) then we can’t make an educated choice.

The reason these tech details are important is because some of the issues are something that we can fix ourselves, and other issues are completely integrated into the design. Plus, most builders don’t have an unlimited budget, so an affordable component that is “fixable” might sometimes be the best option.

I recently stumbled across a youtube channel where they do teardowns of popular EV components, and they spell out the raw data on the guts, both the good and the bad. It’s by Richard, and called “EV Components review (De-bodgery)“

I found his channel looking for info on controllers, and he has quite a few of those. The one in particular that caught my eye is the good review on the Votol EM-150. I pay no attention to someone who says “this is good”, unless they can show me how its different, compared to the one they say is bad….or…I am annoyed of they only tell us the good parts, and leave out glaring weaknesses.

DIY motor from scratch, the Lebowski 2300W Axial-Flux

I’m not going to say that making a motor from scratch is “easy”, but…if you decide you simply have to build one, then the Lebowski Axial is probably the “easiest” one to make, and I have been studying these things for a while. Most motors are “radial flux” which is like a cup spinning inside another cup that’s slightly larger. However, there are some axial-flux motors that are available to buy, and the axials are configured like one plate spinning next to another plate (as seen in the pics here).

If this interests you, I recommend that you first take a quick skim through the pictures in our article “Motor tech, Learn the Terms”. Many common questions you might have about motors will be answered in that article, so I’m writing this as if you have already read that.

I believe inrunner radials are more popular for non-hubmotor applications because they are easier to cool passively with the stator having the outer aluminum fins attached to it. Outrunner hubmotors can add ferro-fluid to dramatically increase passive cooling. If you can increase the heat-shedding in a motor design, this means you can temporarily use massive amps for acceleration. For a short while, Zero motorcycles used an early Motenergy axial-flux design that had a single rotor in the center, and two stators with one on each side. Adding air-fans or liquid-cooling can help, but having the hot coils near the airflow around the vehicle helped the passive heat-shedding.

The downside of an axial-flux is that in order to make the motor more powerful, you can keep adding stators and rotors of the same diameter (which makes the motor wider), but…the stators nested in the center of the motor have a difficult time passively shedding heat. Once an engineer adds liquid-cooling to the equation to get heat out of the core, the added complexity, weight, and cost can make other designs more desirable.

My interest in non-hubmotor DIY motors is because of my concern that in the future, there might be a trade embargo affecting products from China. To be fair, you would still need to buy Neodymium magnets and also the enameled magnet-wire to build this, and both of those are likely going to be found as manufactured in China.

Two Builds using a 3SHUL VESC Controller

One of the most often asked questions about any electric conversion is “what controller should I use?”. Controllers are the last remaining voodoo in electric systems, and they are not easy to understand. I have picked up a few bits and pieces over the years, but to be honest, I have to trust in the opinions of other people who are more experienced than me when it comes to controllers.

Our custom builds article (click here to see that) shows several examples of ebikes using RC controllers, which for some reason are called “Electronic Speed Controllers” or ESC. They are tiny compared to the amount of peak amps they can flow. However, they typically could not provide high amps for long, since they were never designed to power an ebike.

These expensive tiny controllers used proprietary software, so…in 2014, a Swedish electronics engineer Named Benjamin Vedder designed an “open source” ESC-style of controller. This meant that anybody could build one from scratch and could also program it with free shared software. You could even alter the software to improve it or add new features. This type of controller is a Vedder-ESC, or VESC.

The first ones were very small for operating a powered skateboard, and similar devices. However, it is easily scalable to any size, and “3shul Motors” is a company in India that has slowly increased the sizes of their VESC models to the point where you can now get one that uses 126V and provides a peak of 1400 phase amps.

I have been hearing about VESC-based controllers for a few years, and I kept an eye out for conversions that used them, and now I am featuring two of those builds here below.

Ford, GM, Rivian, and Volvo adopt the Tesla NACS charging port

This is big news, but there’s not much to add after reading the title. Tesla did two very important things early on. The first is that they developed a charging system where the design really makes sense for technical reasons. The second thing they did was to build thousands of Tesla “Super Chargers” just about everywhere.


The Tesla NACS Supercharger Plug

In March of 2021, we wrote about the various proprietary charge plug designs (to see that article, click here)

The CCS “Combined Charging System” on the left, and the Tesla NACS “North American Charging Standard” plug on the right. Right now, NACS already outnumbers CCS charging stations two to one.

Electric car chargers that want federal funding should be forced to have a standard 20 Amp plug for ebikes, scooters and emergency car charging

Now that all the electric car charging companies are lining up for handouts from the federal government to expand the US electric charging infrastructure, this is the perfect opportunity for us to force them to implement a handful of things that will greatly improve the integrity and usability of US chargers.

A GFCI 20 amp plug with two sockets so people can charge their ebikes or scooters for free if they need to. If the charger is broken then they can use their low speed 8/12Amp 120v charger that comes with most electric cars and get a measly 3-4 miles of range per hour. This might save people a tow if they get in a pinch and end up with an empty tank and no other charger easier within their current range.Multiple cameras on every charger to create more safety and cut down dramatically on vandalism.Motion sensors and high power LED lights that come on when people pull up to charge or there is movement of a warm body around a charger.

NYC is now spending a whopping $25 million to install ebike chargers for people to use on the streets of NY. I’m not sure how this is going to work and although I understand why they are doing it. They want to cut down on building fires caused by ebike charging in apt buildings that now happen on average once a day. A lot of people have died in these fires so I want to address why they happen and why having ‘ebike chargers’ on the street in NYC are just not going to work.

Installing Electric car chargers to have a small $10 weather resistant 20 amp GFCI outlet on every charger is a no-brainer

The main reason that ebikes burst into flames is because so many cheap Chinese ebikes are built with counterfeit 18650 cells. Unfortudently it is nearly impossible to tell the difference between authentic cells and counterfeit cells made in China just by looking at them. When you build lithium batteries the process for making the cells is very intolerant of moisture as well as any tiny errors in the mixture of elements that make up the ‘jelly roll’ of the 18650. A counterfeit cell can appear like a legit cell from Samsung, LG or Panasonic and can even perform similarly as far as the amount of watts it can deliver on a single charge, but they can be a time bomb waiting to burst into flames at any time.

Can you tell the difference between the fake cell or the real one? No, You really can’t

The Sun Pony is a Tri-motor Tandem Tricycle designed for Epic Long Distance Ebike Adventures

My good friend Laurence Clarkberg is the one who destroyed my life about a decade ago by selling me my first ebike. He decided to build an ebike that could take him and his wife Judy across the country in comfort and style so he built the Sun Pony. I love this build because it reminds me of what is possible if you ignore what everyone else is doing and think outside the box. Watching this ebike go down the road brings me so much joy it’s hard to describe. This build reminds me of seeing Amish time traveling back from the future. Ironically a lot of Amish communities have been embracing ebikes and solar panel\powerstations for charging which I have to admit I totally love.

One of the main thing that makes this build unique is that it has 3 different shark packs paired with different motors giving it triple redundancy. The two mid drives are TSDZ2 systems which work well with this trike because they actually allow you to pedal backwards which is necessary to activate the coaster brakes that come stock with this tricycle. The BBS02/BBSHD have a double clutch system which means when you pedal backwards only the pedals move and the chain does not move. The mid drive batteries are plugged in continuously to the solar panels which each have their own Genasun 52v lithium battery MPPT charge controller from Grin (max charging speed is 8 amps).

Here you can see the left mid drive and 2 sharkpacks

Originally the trike came with a large drum brake in the front wheel, but Laurence replaced it with a Grin All-Axle motor and a separate shark pack. This Direct Drive motor allows the trike to have regen braking to help recover energy that might otherwise be lost going down hills. Laurence did not like how weak the rear coaster brakes were so he custom welded a brake attachment point on the front steel forks. Also the Grin All-Axle motor comes with a large built-in torque arm so you don’t have to worry about the dropouts ripping out from all the torque on the front motor.

Here you can see the custom welded front disk brake with a huge rotor for better stopping power

Power vs Pedal: An In-Depth Look at the Maintenance Needs of Ebikes vs Bicycles

I was slumming it on Twitter today when I came across the following post:

Say it isn’t so

I started to really think about this chart and started to think about if I agreed with his theory that adding an electric motor on a bike increased the overall load on the bike by 708%. Since most of my time in the last 8 years has been spent repairing destroyed high power ebikes (1000-4000 Watts) I have to actually take this chart into consideration and start thinking about whether throwing on a high power electric mid drive motor really is what has created all this extra time spent repairing ebikes.

When I think about the main issues I’ve had with high power ebikes vs bicycles it really breaks down into these categories (in order of seriousness):

Frame fatigue and breakageFreehub destructionDrivetrain issues (chain, chainring and cassette issues)BrakesSpoke breakageTire wear

I want to discuss each of these issues individually because they all deserve their own descriptions. This article will not discuss maintenance of motors and batteries, but these items also require a fair amount of maintenance on their own as well that is outside the scope of this article.

The Talaria Sting MX4 “R”, and why I like it

These past few months, I have been hearing a lot about the New Talaria Sting, and how it compared to the popular Sur-Ron Light Bee. So many people were impressed by it that I decided to look into whether or not there were any significant differences, and…I did find some important upgrades that I want to desribe here, so lets get to it.


Who is Talaria?

I am always skeptical of any new “me too” company that seems to be copying a popular product, but after some digging, Talaria has been importing the Sting for over a year now. The Talaria name is Latin for “winged sandal” which is a reference to the Roman god Mercury, who could fly swiftly because of the magical wings on his sandals. “Talaria Power Tech Chongqing, LTD” does have an office in Hong Kong, but almost all of their operations are in Chongqing, which is located in the mountainous region of central China.


Going Green and Saving Green: How E-Bikes Can Benefit the Postal Service

Today we’re talking about something near and dear to our hearts: saving cold hard cash. Specifically, how the US Postal Service can save a ton of money by switching from 40 year old Grumman LLV death traps to e-bikes. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “The Postal Service is a government entity, they don’t care about saving money.” Well, you’d be surprised. You see, the Postal Service is actually a business and like any business, they want to cut costs wherever they can. And let me tell you, switching to e-bikes is a surefire way for them to do just that. Not only will they save money on fuel and maintenance, but they’ll also be doing their part in saving the environment. So, strap on your helmets and let’s dive in to how the Postal Service can save some green while going green.

One of several electric vehicles the USPS is testing for mail and package deliveries, I think this design might have a few too many wheels

Fuel and maintenance savings for ebikes compared to gas powered vehicles are insane

The Post Office is still using those gas-guzzling Grumman LLV’s to deliver the mail and those things are about as efficient as putting a drag chute on a submarine.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Those Grumman LLV’s have been delivering the mail for 4 decades, what’s the problem?” Well the problem is that they’re not just outdated, they’re costing the Postal Service a fortune in fuel and maintenance costs. But don’t just take my word for it, let’s do some math.

The Post Office has a fleet of thousands of Grumman LLV’s and each one gets around 12 miles per gallon. That means they’re spending about $0.33 per mile on gas. Now, let’s compare that to an e-bike. E-bikes have a cost per mile of less than 1 cent. That’s a saving of over $0.32 per mile. The USPS 208,000 vehicles drive more than 1.1 billion miles each year, using 114.3 million gallons of fuel. If you assume $3.50 a gallon for gas that means they burn through over $400,000,000 a year, if they could swap out even a small number of their mail delivery vehicles in urban areas with ebikes they could cut that number by up to 97% for the fuel savings alone.
