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Jumping Tricks

2 minutes reading time (462 words)

Jumping tricks on an electric dirt bike can be exhilarating but also require skill and practice to ensure safety. Here are some popular electric dirt bike jump tricks along with basic tips:

  1. Jumping Basics:
    • Before attempting tricks, ensure you are comfortable with basic jumps and have experience controlling your electric dirt bike in the air.
  2. Tabletop Jump:
    • Approach the jump at moderate speed.
    • As you leave the lip of the jump, pull the handlebars up towards your chest to level the bike.
    • Extend your legs, creating a "tabletop" shape with the bike.
    • As you descend, prepare to land with both wheels simultaneously.
  3. Whip:
    • Approach the jump with speed.
    • As you leave the lip of the jump, turn the handlebars in one direction while keeping your body centered.
    • Push the bike out to the side while keeping your upper body over the bike.
    • Whip the bike back to center before landing.
  4. Nac-Nac:
    • Approach the jump at a controlled speed.
    • As you leave the jump, take one foot off the footpeg and swing it over the seat to the opposite side while extending the opposite leg.
    • Keep your upper body upright.
    • Bring your leg back over the seat before landing.
  5. No-Footed Can Can:
    • Approach the jump with moderate speed.
    • As you leave the jump, take both feet off the footpegs.
    • Swing both legs to one side of the bike while keeping your upper body centered.
    • Return your legs to the footpegs before landing.
  6. Superman Seat Grab:
    • Approach the jump with enough speed to clear it.
    • As you leave the jump, extend both legs forward while reaching down and grabbing the seat with one hand.
    • Keep your other hand on the handlebars for stability.
    • Return your legs to the footpegs and release the seat before landing.
  7. Backflip (Advanced):
    • Only attempt a backflip if you are an experienced rider and have the proper safety equipment.
    • Approach the jump with significant speed.
    • As you reach the lip of the jump, pull back on the handlebars and tuck your head to initiate the rotation.
    • Use your body and bike weight to complete the rotation.
    • Spot your landing and prepare for impact.

Tips for Safety:

  • Always wear appropriate safety gear, including a helmet, goggles, gloves, and protective clothing.
  • Start with small jumps and gradually work your way up to more complex tricks.
  • Practice on a safe, designated dirt bike track or area.
  • Be aware of your skill level and only attempt tricks that you are comfortable with.
  • Have a spotter or experienced rider present for supervision and assistance.
  • Maintain your electric dirt bike in good working condition, including checking brakes and suspension.

Remember, safety is paramount when performing dirt bike jump tricks. Ensure you have the necessary skills, experience, and safety precautions in place before attempting any advanced tricks. 

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